Maintaining Your Lawns In Autumn

Date: 15 May 2024

As the summer months wind down and the temperature begins to drop, it's essential to shift your lawn care focus to ensure your grass stays healthy and vibrant throughout the cooler seasons. With our comprehensive guide, your lawn will be ready to thrive come springtime!

Lawn Rite's Top Tips for Autumn Lawn Care

  1. Aerate Your Soil: After a summer of heavy foot traffic and intense heat, your lawn may be compacted. Aerating your soil allows for better water and nutrient absorption, promoting healthier grass. Whether you use an aerator, a garden fork, or aerator sandals, this step is crucial for preparing your lawn for the months ahead.

  2. Nourish Your Lawn with Fertiliser: Autumn fertilisation is key to helping your lawn recover from the stresses of summer and prepare for winter dormancy. Opt for a fertiliser high in potassium and phosphorus, such as Paul Munns Emerald Green, to promote strong root development and winter hardiness.

  3. Get Rid of Weeds: Don't let pesky weeds take over your lawn during the cooler months. Apply herbicide or remove them by hand to keep your grass healthy and weed-free.

  4. Keep Up General Maintenance: Trim back bushes, trees, and foliage to allow sunlight to reach your lawn, and regularly rake up fallen leaves to prevent them from blocking sunlight.

  5. Regular Mowing: While you may not need to mow as frequently in winter, maintaining a taller blade height ensures your grass can absorb sunlight and nutrients efficiently. When mowing it’s important to change up the path and pattern you mow your lawn with to reduce the risk of compaction of your soil and lawn.

  6. Water When Needed: Monitor your lawn's water needs and provide hydration as necessary. Wilting or discoloured grass may indicate a need for watering, even in the cooler months.

Preparing for Winter Dormancy

As autumn progresses, take proactive steps to prepare your lawn for winter dormancy and ensure it stays healthier for longer:

  • Fertilising: Apply fertiliser in early to mid-April to provide essential nutrients for winter resilience.
  • Fix Bare Patches: Oversow with lawn seed or install instant turf to fill in bare spots before winter sets in.
  • Adjust Watering Schedule: As temperatures cool, adjust your irrigation system to avoid overwatering.
  • Combat Weeds: Be prepared to tackle weeds with selective herbicides to prevent them from dominating your lawn.
  • Raise Mower Height: Adjust your mower height to leave more blades and avoid scalping, which can hinder winter recovery.

Things to Avoid During Autumn:

  • Scapling
  • Scarifying
  • Coring
  • Top Dressing

While warm-season grasses naturally go dormant in winter, they should not turn brown (except in frost-prone areas). If you notice irregular patches of lawn dying off, seek expert advice to address the issue promptly.

Have questions or need assistance with your autumn lawn care routine? Contact our team for expert guidance and explore our full range of lawn care solutions today!

Maintaining Your Lawns In Autumn